"Jangchub sem is Bodhichitta. Jang means that primordially, all ignorance, delusion and faults are purified. Chub means all enlightened qualities are included in the spontaneous achievement of the highest realization. Sem means the Natural State of mind; therefore, in Dzogchen, it is Ultimate Bodhichitta."
from Pure Dzogchen, Geshe Dangsong Namgyal

Become a friend of Kunsang Gar!
Brought together through the teachings of Geshe Namgyal, many of us have found the Kunsang Gar Wisdom Program to be deeply meaningful. The Quintessential teachings of Pure Dzogchen gives us a single means by which to attain the realization of true nature. Under the kind and always present guidance of Geshe Namgyal, the way is gently pointed out and we are encouraged to persist in our practice.
The many challenges of these past few years have led us to value the clarity of the Bön Dzogchen teachings and Geshe’s continual support. As we grow together and making new friends worldwide, may we continue to express our gratitude and appreciation by supporting Kunsang Gar and Geshe.
Kunsang Gar's friends membership program offers greater connection and support. Join our community and contribute to its growth. Becoming a sustaining donor by signing up with your tax-deductible monthly contribution—and enjoy member only teachings for two or more sessions each month.
With your on-going, generous support, Kunsang Gar can continue to offer extraordinary teachings and events. Your monthly donation is greatly needed to ensure the financial stability of the center year round. Starting in January, we will be opening a members only section on the website to link recordings of the week.
Your donation is helping to:
• Maintain a regular and rich program of teachings
• Preserve the healing traditions of Tibetan Bön culture
• Sustain the Kunsang Gar Translation Group in preserving rare and ancient texts
• Provide funds in support of a residence for Geshe
• Support outreach and technical development
• Establish a Kunsang Gar Center for teaching and retreat
Please donate at whichever level you are able. See below.
If you or someone your know has expertise and would consider helping Geshe and Kunsang Gar, contact us!
Website development, video & webinar production, social media.
Join the transcription team! Help spread these profound teachings, many never before given in the West.
Gifts-in-Kind: Gifts of goods or services from individuals or small businesses are gratefully received.
Kunsang Gar is classified as a registered non-profit religious organization, therefore donations are considered tax deductible. Please consult with your tax advisor to confirm your personal charitable contribution limits. For your tax records, our Federal Tax ID as a 501(c)(3) corporation is EIN 81-3967492.